Celebrating Life

Celebrating Life
We play and serve joyfully!

Monday, October 1, 2012

Team Spirit

Sunday October 7 is "Team Spirit" Sunday at Central Christian.  We will celebrate the moving of the Spirit among us as well as sporting our favorite team colors.  Everyone is invited to wear your team colors and send pictures of you and your children participating in team events.  You can send your old high school cheerleading picture, your child's drama team picture, your spouse's football picture or anything that expresses your team spirit to our tech expert Gary at sawdust@netins.net  Gary is preparing a slide show of our "Disciple Team" for viewing on Sunday morning so send your pics, wear your team colors and come to worship, where the Spirit will surprise us.  Following worship is our monthly pot luck where we will build up the body of Christ (Team) around table.  Bring your favorite dish to share and stay after pot luck for committee/ministry meetings.  It's more than a meeting, it's MINISTRY!
See you at the table where all fans of Christ are welcome,
Pastor Debbie Griffin